Dr. Urs Neumeier Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER) 310, allée des Ursulines C.P. 3300 Rimouski QC G5L 3A1 Canada phone: ++1 - 418 - 723 1986 ext 1278 fax: ++1 - 418 - 724 1842 e-mail: urs_neumeier "at" uqar.qc.ca (replace "at" by @ ) |
En français | ![]() |
1987-1990 | B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, University of Geneva (Switzerland) |
1990-1993 | M.Sc. in Geology, University of Geneva Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Bajocian crinoidal limestone of the Combe d'Envers (Gex, Ain, France) |
1993-1998 | Ph.D. in Geology, University
of Geneva The role of microbial activity in early cementation of beachrocks (intertidal sediments) |
1998-1999 | post-doc at the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Geneva |
2000-2001 | post-doc at the Department of Earth Science, University of Ferrara (Italy) |
2002-2005 | post-doc at the Southampton Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton (Great Britain) |
2005- | professor position at ISMER (Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski), Rimouski (Canada) |
Neumeier U., Friend P.L., Gangelhof U., Lunding J., Lundkvist M., Bergamasco A., Amos C.L. & Flindt M. (in press) The influence of fish feed pellets on the stability of seabed sediment, a laboratory flume investigation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Neumeier, U. & Amos, C. L. (in press) Turbulence reduction by the canopy of coastal Spartina salt-marshes. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39 (Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium), pg – pg. Itajaí, SC – Brazil
Neumeier U., Lucas C.H. & Collins M. (2006) Erodibility and erosion patterns of mudflat sediments investigated using an annular flume. Aquatic Ecology, 40/4, 543-554.
Neumeier U. & Amos C.L. (2006) The influence of vegetation on turbulence and flow velocities in European salt-marshes. Sedimentology, 53/2, 259-277.
Neumeier (2005) Quantification of vertical density variations of salt-marsh vegetation. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 63/4, 489-496.
Neumeier U. & Ciavola P. (2004) Flow resistance and associated sedimentary processes in a Spartina maritima salt-marsh. Journal of Coastal Research, 20/2, 435-447.
Neumeier U., Bernier P., Dalongeville R. & Oberlin C. (2000) Holocene sea-level changes underlined by beachrock features and diagenesis: example from Damnoni (Crete). Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2000/4, 211-220.
Neumeier U. (1999) Experimental modelling of beachrock cementation under microbial influence. Sedimentary Geology, 126, 35-46.
Neumeier U. (1998) The role of microbial activity in early cementation of beachrocks (intertidal sediments).Ph.D. thesis, University of Geneva. Terre et Environnement No 12, 183 p.
Neumeier U. (1998) Tidal dunes and sand waves in deep outer-shelf environments, Bajocian, southeast Jura, France. Journal Sedimentary Research. 68/3, 507-514.
Neumeier U. (1993) Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Bajocian crinoidal limestone of the Combe d'Envers (Gex, Ain, France), M.Sc. thesis, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, University of Geneva, 79 p. (unpublished)
Sedtrans05 Sedtrans92 input |
Test version of Sedtrans05 (latest version of the
sediment transport model Sedtrans) Window interface program for running Sedtrans92 |
A Matlab routine that converts the output of a settling
column into grain size and compute all the usual grain-size statistics |
/ pr_corr / zero_crossing |
Matlab routines that process wave-data from pressure
sensors and compute the usual wave-parameters |